Julian Assange in US Court for Espionage Trial

WikiLeaks Founder Accused of Conspiring with Chelsea Manning

Assange Faces 17 Espionage Charges and One Computer Misuse Charge

WASHINGTON, DC - WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has appeared in a US court for the start of his espionage trial. Assange is accused of conspiring with former US Army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning to obtain and publish classified government documents. He faces 17 espionage charges and one computer misuse charge.

The trial is expected to last several months. Assange has pleaded not guilty to all charges and his defense team has argued that he was acting as a journalist and is protected by the First Amendment. The US government has argued that Assange's actions endangered national security.

The case has drawn international attention and raised questions about the limits of press freedom. Assange's supporters have argued that he is being persecuted for exposing government secrets, while his critics have accused him of aiding US enemies.